This work was comissioned by Signal as a part of the Screen and Sound progam 2022. It screened at St Kilda Festival (2024) Now or Never Festival (2024) and Rumata Arts Space (2023)
Revealing itself through light, colour resists being captured. It surrounds us and yet slips through our fingers. We reach for colour, in Goethe’s words, ‘not because it advances to us, but because it draws us after it’ (1810, pp. 311). In this collaborative video work with sound artist Rebecca Bracewell, the desire to come closer to colour propels a series of seven exchanges, one for each colour of the rainbow. Much like a fugue, this work is polyphonic in texture,exloring colour through memory, emotion, and perception.
Immersing the camera deep within the grass and allowing the sound of the grass to guide the camera’s movements, the work seeks to destabilise the position of the director as someone commanding the visual field. As my choral instructions dissolve into broken vowels and the video image disintegrates, the grass is heard. Through this work, I mediate on how my environment is always leading the camera ‘astray’, redirecting my own gaze and in turn, the direction of my filmmaking practise.
This essay film delves into the transformative relation one has to their body as a result of being in a relationship infused with love. Asking the interviewees to close their eyes, the film follows voices from four different paired interviews that each explore how ‘seeing’ our own body involves an integration of self-conceptualisation realised through the eyes and touch of another. Broken into ten chapters that each consider a potential boundary point of the body, Phosphenes exposes the porous nature of the body’s boundaries - expanding and extending with touch.
‘Phosphenes’ was awarded the best experimental film at Sydney World Film Festival, and screened at St Kilda Film Festival, Melbourne Documentary Festival and Obskuur ghent film festival.
This work premiered at Milk Gallery in 2023 and was exhibited at 138 gallery and GalleryGallery Inc.
Iron Lung
tracks the process of a single breath: the oxygen entering the lungs, diffusing into the blood, going to the heart, pumping the cells with energy, and finally the blood turning red as the oxygen leaves the heart. Denaturalising this process, the film focuses on the heart as it converts the voices of others and the sounds of the day-to-day into a dance. Iron Lung invites the viewer to see and hear what we’re not normally aware of; the body’s doubling rhythm of inhale and exhale.
tracks the process of a single breath: the oxygen entering the lungs, diffusing into the blood, going to the heart, pumping the cells with energy, and finally the blood turning red as the oxygen leaves the heart. Denaturalising this process, the film focuses on the heart as it converts the voices of others and the sounds of the day-to-day into a dance. Iron Lung invites the viewer to see and hear what we’re not normally aware of; the body’s doubling rhythm of inhale and exhale.
This work premiered at Milk Gallery in 2023 and was exhibited at 138 gallery and GalleryGallery Inc.