I see the camera as a receptor to a world inaccessible to my own eyes. My camera  as my antenna, my tail. When the camera is attached to a rope, my relationship to filming becomes elastic – my body guided and extending. This method emerged from my desire to re-invent conventional processes of ‘capturing’ an image and develop a practice of filming as ‘foraging’, a process that ties the camera to the body and the site it operates within.


Sofie McClure is a video artist, working  in performance and installation. She is interested in film not merely as a visual medium, but as an embodied, multi-sensory practice, addressing bodily memory and sense experiences that exceeds cognitive or visual capacities. Her current work is focused on adapting and extending the camera’s physicality, opening possibilities for spatial and sculptural methods of filmmaking.

Originally studying philosophy and literature at the University of Melbourne, for her Honours year at RMIT, she studied Media and Communications, allowing her interest in phenomenology and passion for filmmaking to intersect.  McClure’s work has been exhibited and screened at Fiona and Sidney Myer Gallery, Now or Never Festival, St Kilda Festival, ACCA, Quality, Milk Gallery, 138 gallery, GalleryGallery Inc, Rumata Artspace (Indonesia), and Spazio 500 (Italy). She is a part of the Melbourne based film collective, Dogmilk films, where she is involved in the programming and co-ordination of regular film screening and expanded cinema events.

McClure, S. ‘Porous Bodies: On Touching Phosphenes’ Southern Semiotic Review, Issue 16

CV: download here

CONTACT: sofie.mcclure4@gmail.com / insta: sofiemcclure